Our Partners

We’re making caregiving a calling and a career

- More opportunities
- Better pay
- Increased fulfillment
How CCA’s Caregiver Training Sets the Standard

- Free training for nursing home workers and IHSS in-home caregivers
- Unique curriculum that incorporates the voice of the caregiver and the consumer
- Specialized instructions on chronic conditions
- Accessible, live, online, instructor-led classes across eight (8) languages
- Knowledgeable instructors with experience in caregiver training
- Student enrollment and retention support
1 in 5 Californians will be 65+ by 2030. California is in a care crisis.
The demand to retain and attract trained caregivers is urgent. Training opportunities and career pathways that focus on strengthening and growing the long-term care workforce are critical to meet the needs of California. CCA is building that quality workforce that will help California’s seniors and people with disabilities live longer, happier and healthier lives.