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CCA Training May Reduce ER Visits, Health Care Costs

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Research appearing in the March/April 2024 edition of the peer-reviewed journal Professional Case Management suggests the Center for Caregiver Advancement’s high-quality caregiver training contributes to reduced emergency room visits.

The study looked at caregivers who completed 16 weeks of in-person In-Home Supportive Service (IHSS) training and compared them to a group who did not receive the training. Researchers tracked each group for three years. The CCA training program was developed with support from a Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ Innovation Grant, established by the Affordable Care Act.

  • Reduction in Hospitalizations
    30% reduction in hospital readmissions for consumers who received care from trained home care workers compared to those who did not receive training.
  • Emergency Room Visits
    There was a reported 25% decrease in emergency room visits among consumers cared for by trained caregivers.
  • These reductions in utilization led to an average savings of $1,500 per consumer annually.


Training was associated with several other factors that impact quality of life. For consumers with trained caregivers, researchers saw:

  • 20% fewer complications for consumers with chronic illness
  • 35% increase in adherence to care plans
  • 40% increase in consumer satisfaction

These findings were published in Professional Case Management.

View the full graphic here.

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