Become a DSD

This course is designed for Registered Nurses or LVNs seeking to advance to the Director of Staff Development (DSD) position at a skilled nursing facility. 

Format: Online membership

Length: 3 days (8 hours per day)

Languages: English

Eligibility: Eligible students must be current SEIU Local 2015 nursing home members working at a facility that is actively contributing into the Education Fund. To qualify as a DSD, the candidate must be an RN or LVN and satisfy one of the following:

  • Option 1: Have one year experience as a licensed nurse providing direct patient care in a long term care facility, in addition to having one year of experience planning, implementing and evaluating education programs in nursing (for a total of two years). 
  • Option 2: Have two years full-time experience as a licensed nurse, at least one that must be in the provision of direct patient care in a nursing facility. 

Wrap-Around Services: Support with enrollment and ongoing case management

Cost to Student: None

Here’s what you’ll learn:

This certification covers the following topics:

  • Characteristics of the Adult Learner 
  • Elements of an Instructional Objective 
  • CNA Training requirements in Long-term Care Facilities 
  • Instructional methods for Preparing and Presenting Lesson Plans 
  • Teacher behaviors that affect Student Classroom Interaction

If you believe you meet the above qualifications, fill out the interest form below!

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