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CCA Training May Reduce ER Visits, Health...

Research appearing in the March/April 2024 edition of the peer-reviewed journal Professional Case Management suggests the...

graphic-of-Caregiver Resiliency Teams Impact Report
Impact of Climate Resiliency Caregiver Training

CCA is proud to share the outcomes of our Caregiver Resiliency Teams training program pilot, which...

IHSS+ Training Decreases Consumer ER Visits and...

When Felipe Murillo suddenly became his mother’s full-time caregiver, everything seemed like an emergency. “Initially, after...

Infographic on impact of caregiver training
Journal publishes research on ADRD training

CCA’s work with UCSF Institute on Health and Aging on our IHSS+ ADRD Training Project was...

A virtual classroom
UCSF: Shift to remote learning and its...

Research highlights CCA’s transition to virtual training during the pandemic and how caregivers adapted to a...

Caregiver assisting with dressing
L.A. Care: ER visits, hospitalizations reduced

Providing caregivers with high-quality training reduces both visits to the emergency room and hospital admissions, according...

Photo of caregivers at their graduation ceremony
Impact study: Training results in better care

In 2012, the California Long-Term Care Education Center, which is now the Center for Caregiver Advancement...

Journal recommends CCA training

The Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (JAGS) highlighted and recommended CLTCEC’s home care training program...

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