Our History

  • 2000

    Home Care Workers Training Center Founded

    Members of SEIU Local 434b founded the Home Care Workers Training Center to provide IHSS workers educational opportunities so they could build better lives for themselves and the people who depend on their care. HCWTC became the California Long-Term Care Education Center in 2011, and the Center for Caregiver Advancement in 2021. The mission remains the same: building a workforce of highly trained caregivers that many Californians can’t live without.

  • 2001-2009

    Caregiver Training Through Community College

    Initially, CCA partnered with community colleges to deliver training for home care workers. The center eventually developed its own multi-week curriculum, addressing critical skills and knowledge gaps while incorporating the needs of the caregiver and the people under their care.

  • 2010

    Training & Trust Fund for Nursing Home Workers

    A Taft-Harley training and trust fund was established to provide educational opportunities for the nursing home workers of SEIU Local 434b (now SEIU Local 2015). The Education Fund, as it is now called, is operated and administered by CCA.

  • 2012

    Health Care Innovation Award

    CCA receives the Health Care Innovation Award from the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation (CMMI). In 2016, the impact study from the CMMI program shows that caregiver training leads to decreased emergency room visits and hospitalizations. This is the first impact study in the nation to show the value of caregiver training. READ THE REPORT.

  • 2016

    First Contract with Health Plan to Provide Training

    CCA negotiates an agreement with Health Net to provide an orientation for home care workers who care for Health Net members. This is the first agreement of its kind, nationally, where a union-affiliated training center is contracted by a health plan to provide training.

  • 2017

    Partnerships with L.A. Care and UCLA

    CCA partners with L.A. Care Health Plan to provide training to the IHSS providers caring for its members. In 2019 and 2023, L.A. Care releases utilization studies showing statistically significant drops in emergency room visits and inpatient utilization among its members whose caregivers completed our training.


    UCLA asks CCA to be a partner in the  Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP) to develop Alzheimer’s care training curriculum. UCLA’s findings on the competency-based Alzheimer’s training were published in the Journal of Gerontology.

  • 2019

    CDPH Grant for Alzheimer’s Training

    The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) grants funding for Alzheimer’s training, in partnership with UCSF and Alameda Alliance for Health. UCSF’s impact studies on our Alzheimer’s program have been published in multiple peer-reviewed journals and presented at national conferences.

    BlueShield of California Partnership
    CCA partners with BlueShield of California to provide training for the IHSS providers caring for BSC members.

  • 2021

    CA Workforce Development Board Grant

    CCA receives a High Road Training Partnership (HRTP) grant from the California Workforce Development Board to develop and launch an emergency preparedness and climate resiliency training program for IHSS providers and nursing home workers.

    We also received an HRTP WIOA 3.0 grant to develop new, condition-specific curriculum for IHSS provider training and for the CNA Registered Apprenticeship Program.

  • 2022

    Launch of Caregiver Resiliency Project and CNA Registered Apprenticeship

    CCA launches the Caregiver Resiliency Teams Project, which becomes the first-of-its-kind training on preparing caregivers for climate-related emergencies.

    CCA launches the CNA Registered Apprenticeship Program, in partnership with SEIU Local 2015 and partner employers, thanks to a $14 million grant from HRTP.

    Career Pathways Program

    Working with SEIU Local 2015, CCA advocates for a statewide workforce development program for IHSS workers, resulting in the Career Pathways Program which funds caregiver training for all IHSS providers in the state.

  • 2023

    CCA Expands Training and Impact

    CCA launches condition-specific training – such as autism, diabetes, heart disease, and traumatic brain injury – for IHSS providers through California’s Career Pathways Program.

    The Journal of Gerontology publishes UCSF’s impact study on the Alzheimer’s program, highlighting the statistically significant knowledge gain among caregivers who took the training.

    CCA receives a $10 million grant from the HRTP Workforce Resilient Workforce Fund to expand the reach of our training programs to IHSS workers in San Bernardino County.

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