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UCSF: Shift to remote learning and its impact

Research highlights CCA’s transition to virtual training during the pandemic and how caregivers adapted to a video-based classroom

When the COVID-19 pandemic forced the Center for Caregiver Advancement (CCA) to switch its training programs to remote learning, one of the biggest worries was transitioning the adult learners to a virtual environment. Do they have access to stable internet connection? Do they have a smartphone or tablet with a camera that would enable them to log in to a video-based classroom? Do they feel confident in their ability to use technology to continue their training?

This was the subject of a poster presentation in November at the 2021 Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America (GSA), the oldest and largest interdisciplinary organization devoted to research, education, and practice in the field of aging. The presentation, titled Implementing a Community-Based Collaborative Project During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Process Evaluation, was presented by Dr. Jarmin Yeh, Assistant Professor, Institute for Health & Aging at University of California, San Francisco. Yeh is the principal investigator for the research aspect of CCA’s IHSS+ Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia (ADRD) training program.

The IHSS+ ADRD Training Project is supported by the California Department of Public Health, Alzheimer’s Disease Program, with funding provided by the 2018 California Budget Act. It is a partnership between CCA, Alameda Alliance for Health, and the UCSF Institute for Health & Aging.

According to Yeh, the preliminary findings are based on the first cohort of In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) providers who participated in CCA’s dementia training program after public health social distancing mandates were put into place.

Yeh’s team learned that while most caregivers in this cohort felt the pandemic severely impacted their personal life (61%) and their work as an IHSS caregiver (61%), the majority had technology access to participate in the training program remotely and virtually, such as having a stable internet connection (87%), smartphone or tablet with camera (97%), computer with camera (75%), and quiet space (83%), though not all.   

To address the technology barriers, CCA loans tablets and hotspot devices to IHSS providers who need them to complete the training. CCA also provides step-by-step video tutorials on how to log in to the Zoom platform from smartphones or tablets, as well as one-on-one help as needed.

In the shift to remote learning, CCA prioritized the needs of adult learners and factored in their varying levels of digital literacy and educational backgrounds.

“Adapting to a new method of learning while dealing with the harsh realities of the pandemic was a challenge initially,” said Corinne Eldridge, CCA President & CEO. “But we knew it was critical that the changes we made to the way we delivered instruction would make our course accessible to all the caregivers taking the training, whether they already had digital skills or if we needed to take the time to support them through learning those skills.”

The research team found that, overall, caregivers rated the dementia training program favorably. The majority felt they learned new caregiving skills, were satisfied with the training, and felt the training was beneficial (97% respectively). 

“Changes made to this project due to the COVID-19 pandemic were not without challenges; however, the adaptability of the CCA team to shift programming to virtual and remote strategies, while retaining the caliber of training they are known for, was essential. We continue to make quality improvements and monitor the impact as the pandemic evolves,” said Yeh.

The goal of the UCSF research is to evaluate the impact of CCA’s competency-based dementia training program on 600 IHSS caregivers and their IHSS consumers who are Medi-Cal eligible older adults with cognitive impairment receiving health benefits from Alameda Alliance for Health.

“This research is important to better support IHSS caregivers in their work with IHSS consumers and has policy and practice implications for bolstering the direct care workforce, long-term services and supports, and health systems,” said Yeh.

Additional aspects of this on-going research will be presented in a lightning talk at the American Society on Aging (ASA) conference in April.

Caregiver resiliency in climate-related disasters

Wildfires, extreme heat and power outages are now part of the way of life in California. And as we have witnessed with these climate-related emergencies and during the Covid-19 pandemic, caregivers frequently play a first-responder role. But the reality is that they do so without any formal training. 

The Center for Caregiver Advancement (CCA) will help fill that skills gap with its Caregiver Resiliency Teams Project, a first-of-its-kind training program aimed at teaching direct care workers how to prepare for, respond to, and recover from climate-related disasters. Through a specialized curriculum focusing on emergency preparedness through the lens of climate change, caregivers will delve into the topic of environmental justice and the impact of environmental pollution on Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities. They will learn about emergency preparedness and planning for individuals with access and functional needs; disaster psychology; and stress management. The training will cover first aid; CPR; pressure bandaging; lift, carry and drag; fire suppression; evacuating and sheltering; and effective emergency communication plans. 

The pilot cohort begins in March 2022. Classes will be held live via Zoom for six weeks and will be led by CCA instructors. The structure of the program builds on CCA’s successful model of multi-week modular training in different languages designed specifically for adult learners with varying levels of education. The pilot class will be offered in English, with Spanish and Korean to be added in the second cohort.

The resiliency project is funded by the High Road Training Partnership (HRTP) initiative of the California Workforce Development Board. The training will be offered to 500 In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS providers) and skilled nursing facility (SNF) workers who live and work in Los Angeles County communities designated as HRTP Priority Populations. By increasing the long-term care industry’s ability to plan for climate disasters on behalf of California’s most vulnerable communities, CCA’s project will positively impact the region’s climate resilience.

CCA will provide the training and the key partners are SEIU Local 2015, L.A. County Public Authority, and Communities for a Better Environment. Nursing home facilities participating in the training are Centinela West, Centinela Living Assistant, Centinela East, Ontario Grove and Maywood Healthcare in Los Angeles County. The partnerships developed by this project will be the first of this kind in the long-term care industry. An advisory council made up of labor, workers, and employer representatives, as well as subject matter experts and government agencies, guided the development and design of the program. IHSS providers and nursing home workers helped shape the specialized curriculum through a needs survey conducted early in the planning process.

“The COVID-19 pandemic, on top of increasingly dangerous wildfires, extreme heat, and power shutoffs, has emphasized the essential role that caregivers play each and every day, taking care of our loved ones and providing critical services that many Californians can’t live without. This HRTP grant will give us the resources to prepare hundreds of in-home supportive services (IHSS) and nursing home workers to respond to health and climate related emergencies,” said Corinne Eldridge, CCA President and CEO. 

With this training, CCA and its partners are aiming for the integration of trained care workers into emergency response and disaster preparedness systems. The goal is to enhance caregivers’ skills, build their competence and confidence during emergencies, and help them build resiliency.

The California home care and SNF workforce, which is disproportionately female and foreign born, has been historically and persistently marginalized. Caregivers are faced with the legacies of structural racism and disinvestment in minority communities come to bear on how the climate-related crisis unfolds. As such, increased emergency response knowledge and the specialized skills that come with it will augment career potential and benefit their families in addition to benefiting the consumers and residents that participants care for. With these specialized skills, workers will be positioned to take advantage of advancement opportunities, which could include increased wages for working during hazard situations or specializations that include wage increases.


The Center for Caregiver Advancement’s Caregiver Resiliency Project is part of the California Workforce Development Board’s High Road Training Partnership, which is funded through California Climate Investments, a statewide initiative that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving public health, and the environment — particularly in disadvantaged communities.


The Center for Caregiver Advancement is the largest provider of training for long-term care workers in California. Our mission is to build the workforce of highly trained caregivers that many Californians can’t live without. Founded in 2000 by the long-term care workers who are now members of Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 2015, CCA provides quality educational opportunities to long-term care workers so they can build better lives for themselves and the consumers they serve. CCA serves two specific groups of workers: In-Home Supportive Services caregivers and nursing home workers in residential care and skilled nursing facilities.

CNA Apprenticeship: Filling a gap in skills training

One of the barriers that prevents people from taking the first step toward their dream nursing career is the cost of the training necessary to earn certification. Paying for a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) course out of pocket is not feasible for most low wage workers living paycheck to paycheck, as squeezing in learning time between work hours and other personal responsibilities can pose an insurmountable challenge.

The Center for Caregiver Advancement’s CNA Registered Apprenticeship program for nursing home workers is helping to mitigate those barriers by providing an opportunity to get paid while they learn. And the best part? The training is free.

The apprenticeship has opened new doors for caregivers, such as Lorraine Kelly Matkins. 

“Sometimes people struggle financially […] the cost is a barrier for them to pursue this,” she said. “If you’re interested in pursuing nursing or becoming a CNA […] you basically get a free education in the CNA Apprenticeship program. You get to start your career path somewhere with help and support, which normally, you wouldn’t get in a regular program.” 

Lorraine is a participant of the first CNA Apprenticeship Program offered by and CCA’s Education Fund. The Education Fund partnered with EmpRes Healthcare and SEIU Local 2015 to provide this program. The program’s pilot cohort in 2021 has a 100% success rate: All seven workers who completed training through the earn-and-learn model passed their state certification exams and were promoted to CNAs.

The program was launched to provide career pathways for nursing home workers and to address a critical staffing shortage at skilled nursing facilities. Funded by the Healthcare Career Advancement Program (H-CAP), a national labor-management organization, the program is listed as a Registered Apprenticeship with the U.S. Department of Labor.

It provides workers the opportunity to get paid as nursing aides while they pursue training to become licensed CNAs. The training is provided at no cost to the worker,  all program-related fees and materials are covered by the program and students receive robust wrap around services throughout the entire duration of the program, including ongoing coaching and mentorship. .

The program also eliminates the all-too-common stressor of finding a job afterwards, as the participant already works at a skilled nursing facility and has a support system of supervisors, administrators, and mentors. The participant is also guaranteed a promotion to a CNA position at their associated facility once passing the state exam.  

The apprenticeship program requires a strong commitment from the worker – after all, the program is six months in length, and requires apprentices to complete all core CNA apprenticeship competencies. But the payoff is worth it, says Lorraine. Lorraine is now working as a CNA at Katherine Healthcare, an Empres facility in Salinas. For her, being a CNA is rewarding, not just in her day-to-day tasks, but also in the overall impact she has on the residents.

“The thing that I find most satisfying is seeing how much we help the residents. [..] even just talking to them or having a conversation and hearing them tell us how much they appreciate that. I really like that feeling of knowing that I helped someone else,” she said. 

The CNA Apprenticeship Program provides long-term care workers a unique opportunity for career advancement. Lorraine is now taking prerequisite courses to get into an accredited nursing program with her eyes on becoming a Registered Nurse (RN). 

For the facility, the CNA Apprenticeship program offers the benefit of streamlined recruitment, with CCA and SEIU Local 2015 helping identify and enroll participants who want to become part of a vital workforce.  

Steve Biesinger, Executive Director at Katherine Healthcare, says he’s thrilled Katherine got involved in the Apprenticeship Program as it’s been immensely beneficial for his facility. Like Lorraine, the apprentices who have passed their state exams since the program started in summer 2021 have since become quality, experienced CNAs working at three Empres facilities in Salinas and Vallejo. 

“It is something that gives an opportunity […] in a category of classification of workers that there’s a real shortage of. CNAs are just in short supply, and really getting good CNAs are even harder, because there’s a high turnover,” says Steve. “So anytime we have the opportunity to really participate in the selection and the training and the nurturing of that type of a candidate, it’s a win-win.”

The Apprenticeship Program comes at no cost to the participant, thanks to a grant from Healthcare Career Advancement (H-CAP). The H-CAP grant also provides stipends that help offset the costs of childcare or transportation, if needed. The employer pays the participants’ wages as nursing aides and for the hours they are in training, then promotes the apprentices to CNAs as soon as they pass the state certification exam. This unique structure is mutually beneficial to both workers, employers and the union SEIU 2015. 

“The model is much, much better than just going to CNA school,” says Steve. “No other program is set up like that.”

Katherine Healthcare is already starting to see the benefits of the program come to fruition with the first cohort of apprenticeship graduates. 

Aiza Suan, Director of Staff Development at Katherine Healthcare, says  “…now  we have three additional CNAs, it’s not a struggle for us to look for a replacement if ever someone calls off. And so, we think [the apprenticeship] really helped a lot.”

And no doubt it has. The CNA Apprenticeship Program leads to lower recruitment costs and higher productivity. Most crucially, the retention of highly skilled, confident, and motivated caregivers, like Lorraine, leads to improved industry-wide standards. 

A recent study of the nursing home workforce shows that the mean turnover rate percentage for CNAs can be as high as 129%. One of the goals of CCA’s training programs, especially the CNA certification and apprenticeship programs, is to help skilled nursing facilities address the industry’s staffing shortage and high turnover rate.

“I think it’s vital […] it’s so important to be able to have opportunities like this as a worker because I think it helps empower the sense that you can make a difference if you’re dedicated and make a difference if you are applying yourself. And I think being given a vote of confidence from the facility goes a long way in helping motivate you to stay there and do your best,” says Mitchel Lopez, a union representative at SEIU Local 2015.


Spanko, Alex. “Nursing Homes Have 94% Staff Turnover Rate – with Even Higher Churn at Low-Rated Facilities.” Skilled Nursing News, 2 Mar. 2021,

A better workforce: Pass Build Back Better

Caregiver Ana Garsia is following the footsteps of the pioneering women of California who changed the course of the homecare workforce when they fought for better pay, access to benefits, and opportunities for training. On the week of Nov. 15, Ana stood in front of the U.S. Capitol with hundreds of SEIU homecare workers and their recipients to convince Congress to pass President Biden’s Build Back Better plan, which invests heavily in caregivers.

“The most memorable part of the experience was when I got to march with other caregivers from different states, knowing that we were all there for the same reason: for a better future, for better salaries to be able to make a decent living and still be able to care for our loved ones,” says Ana.

Ana is one of the more than 200 In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) providers graduating this week from CCA’s 10-week caregiver training program. She has been an IHSS provider since 2010, when she started caring for her brother when he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. She is an active member of SEIU Local 2015, where has served on the political and bargaining committees and will be part of the local’s Executive Board.

Her trip to Washington D.C. with fellow caregivers and SEIU members was a call for national recognition of the important work that caregivers do to keep America’s vulnerable populations, especially seniors and people with disabilities, living longer, happier, and healthier.

“We need more money invested in home care,” says Ana. “We often don’t get recognized for all the hard work caregivers do and we get left behind in the shadow. We deserve a livable salary.”

Ana also says any state and federal investment in the caregiving workforce needs to include training. “I wish I had taken CCA’s training before, especially when I was taking care of someone who had a stroke. I would have known how to properly take care of him, like how to lift him and help him move around,” she says.

CCA’s training focuses on person-centered care and the provider’s enhanced roles – to monitor, coach, communicate, navigate, and be a care aide. That framework has helped her personal and working relationship with her brother. “He feels more confident about me as his caregiver, and he is more open to telling me what he needs. Because of that, he feels more independent and in charge of his health.”

Learning new information and enhancing her skills has made her feel more respected, she says. And she knows that her CCA classmates feel the same way. Ana took the class in Spanish, which is one of the languages in which CCA delivers the training. Nearly 50% of the IHSS workers who have taken CCA’s caregiver training classes and a majority of nursing home workers in our Education Fund speak Spanish and many of them choose to attend classes in their native language. 

“Being able to take a class in Spanish makes Spanish-speaking caregivers feel valued. They feel like they have accomplished something they have not done before,” she says.

Over half of home care workers in the nation have completed no formal education beyond high school, and nearly half live in low-income households. Nationally, their median hourly wage in $12.12, with IHSS providers in California making between $14 and $16 per hour.

Making life better for caregivers and the people who receive their care is one of Ana’s life missions. On Nov. 19, a day after Ana returned home from the rally in Washington, D.C., the House of Representatives narrowly passed the Build Back Better plan. 

“I feel personally accomplished that I was part of the BBB movement. When I heard that it had passed, I was happy and excited,” she says. “While I was there, we heard a few members of Congress share stories on how they have caregivers for their loved ones, and that without the help of caregivers like us, they wouldn’t be able to go to work every day.”

Crisis averted: First-aid training saves lives

When Tracy Mills Jones arrived at her brother’s house, the floor was covered in blood. A caregiver for over 30 years, Tracy had dealt with many emergencies but this was one of the gravest. Her brother, who was hemorrhaging from a diabetes-related complication, was nearly unconscious. Although the situation was frightening, Tracy didn’t panic. Because of the free In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) training she had received from the Center for Caregiver Advancement (CCA), she knew what to do.

After attempting to stop the bleeding by applying pressure, she determined that the wound would need a tourniquet to avoid fatal blood loss. “I learned that the body has 14 pints of blood,” Tracy says. “My brother had lost 7.”

When the paramedics arrived, they were surprised to see Tracy’s skillful application of first aid. Not many people know how to deal with a hemorrhaging artery. “Who taught you to do that?,” asked one of the paramedics. Tracy replied proudly, “I took a caregiving class. They taught me how to deal with emergency situations. Every home care provider should take this class.” The paramedic was quick to agree.

Through her CCA training, Tracy learned about first aid, body mechanics, infection control, nutrition, medication adherence, and much more. One of the modules that became a critical source of information on that fateful day focused on knowing which situations necessitated a trip to the urgent care or the emergency room. “I learned so many different things,” Tracy says. “Because of this training, I was able to save my brother’s life.”

Unlike other healthcare workers, IHSS providers and family caregivers do not get formal training. The Center for Caregiver Advancement is working to change that. CCA and SEIU Local 2015 proposed and advocated for state legislation that would build career pathways for in-home caregivers through training. In October, Gov. Newsom signed SB 172, which includes over $200 million for the IHSS Career Pathways Program to incentivize, support, and fund training opportunities for career advancement in the home care and health care industries. Under this program, training is voluntary and offered at no cost to IHSS providers. Participants will be compensated for each hour of their coursework and they will be eligible for incentive payments after successfully completing certain milestones.

Although there are currently no federal or state training requirements for in-home caregivers, the impact on client outcomes is clear. To date, CCA has trained over 16,000 caregivers in California: this has helped reduce emergency visits by 42% and hospitalizations by 60% among in-home care recipients, according to an analysis conducted by L.A. Care, the nation’s largest publicly operated health plan serving more than 2 million members in California and funder of one of CCAs programs.

Tracy wishes she had received training earlier in her caregiving career. Her first experience in the field was caring for her mother. Looking back, she realizes how unprepared she was for the task. With no knowledge of caregiving and no resources to help her, Tracy did the best she could, but some of the mistakes she made are still impacting her. “I have back problems now,” says Tracy, who was lifting her mother without knowing proper body mechanics. “I wish I had learned how to lift properly back then.”

Because of CCA’s training, which emphasizes dignity, respect and safety for both the caregiver and the person receiving care,Tracy now has the knowledge and resources she needs to practice her profession without sacrificing her wellbeing. “If you’re taking care of people, you should be mandated to take [IHSS training],” she says.

CCA’s classes also provided a venue for Tracy to meet her peers. There are few opportunities for caregivers to share information about their profession and learn from each other. Meeting her peers in this training environment proved very impactful for Tracy. From them, she was able to share her struggles and learn strategies—such as recording doctors’ visits to better help her clients understand medical instructions they are given—that have improved her caregiving.

As part of the training, caregivers learn how to perform CPR and receive an American Red Cross CPR/AED certification. Because of how common heart attacks are, Tracy recognizes that CPR is important for her to learn, both for her clients’ safety and her family’s. Of the 356,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests that occur in the U.S. each year, 75% happen at home. CPR provided immediately after sudden cardiac arrest can double or triple a victim’s chance of survival. Though Tracy hopes she will never again encounter an emergency situation like the one she faced with her brother, she knows that with the training she has received she can face a crisis with confidence.

IHSS+ with L.A. Care

The unique partnership between the Center for Caregiver Advancement (CCA), L.A. Care Health Plan and SEIU Local 2015 has resulted in a workforce of caregivers who are confident, highly skilled, and integral in their consumers’ overall health and well-being.

The IHSS+ Home Care Integration Training Program (IHSS+) is a 10-week program that educates and empowers caregivers who provide services to seniors and persons with disabilities through the California In-Home Support Services (IHSS) program. In these classes, IHSS caregivers learn how to take on the enhanced roles of Monitor, Communicator, Coach, Navigator, and Care Aide while developing the skills needed to be integrated into the consumers’ Care Teams.

Close to home: Caring for family

For years Melissa Fernandez’s family struggled to find the correct diagnosis for the symptoms her mother was experiencing. When they were finally afforded clarity, they realized that the challenges ahead were significant. A myriad of chronic conditions surfaced that would affect Melissa’s mother’s daily life and severely limit her independence. Once a vocational nurse herself, Melissa’s mother would now need lots of support. Her mother’s health, coupled with her family’s own career paths in healthcare, steered Melissa toward becoming an In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) provider.

Photo of Melissa Fernandez

 “Just being able to help is a really rewarding feeling for me,” says Melissa. She is now the caregiver to her mother, who has been ill for most of Melissa’s life.

The complexities of her mother’s conditions and the variety of medications she must take demand that Melissa be adept as a caregiver. And because of the IHSS+ training she received from the Center for Caregiver Advancement (CCA), she feels empowered and grateful to be able to take her mother’s care into her own hands.

“Thankfully because of this training program I’m able to care for her, and not worry about who’s going to care for her,” says Melissa.

Some of the skills included in CCA’s training are CPR, medication adherence, body mechanics, communication across the health care team, and nutrition. Melissa learned how to adapt her mother’s diet to something more appropriate for someone with diabetes.

“I took the training and I’m more educated on certain things such as meals and her diet,” says Melissa. “Now that I’ve taken the course, I try to cook healthier food for her. And I’ll eat it with her […], so I feel like we’ve become closer that way.”

The positive effect of the training is reverberating beyond the caregivers and those in their care. The impact on California’s overburdened healthcare system is measurable.

The largest publicly operated health plan in the nation, L.A. Care, is one of CCA’s partners in providing training to IHSS providers in Los Angeles County. According to an L.A. Care utilization report analyzing the impact of CCA’s training on its members, caregiver training results in a reduction in the number of emergency department visits by 42% and a 60% drop in hospitalizations, saving up to tens of thousands of dollars per consumer for insurers and the healthcare system.

Melissa’s own experience and training helped to familiarize her with her mother’s everyday symptoms and identify emergencies when they happen. 

“She’s had a heart attack before … so it’s very challenging when she has to go to the hospital and she’s being cared for by someone else,” she says.

The training also helped Melissa and her mother adapt to new challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic, such as how to maintain her mother’s dental health while she was unable to visit the dentist and how to prevent the spread of infection.

But of the entire curriculum, the most valuable insights Melissa says she learned are ways to help preserve her mother’s sense of self. “We learned how to speak with [the people we care for] and … not make them feel like less of a person. When (my mother) can’t do things, like walk, that gets to her sometimes. I try to build  up her character and self-esteem.”

Caregiver training allowed Melissa to take control of her mother’s health and equipped her with the knowledge to give her the highest standard of care. Without the caregiver training offered by CCA, Melissa, nor her mother, might not be so empowered, or independent.

“There are certain things people don’t realize you need to learn. […] There’s always room for learning, and I think anyone who’s caring for somebody, especially somebody who is sick, should have some sort of training.”

Activities resource benefits residents

Coloring pages, math problems, crossword puzzles – for Tatiana Chavarria, those are more than mere pages she needs to print for her job as Activities Assistant at Vernon Health Care Center — Rockport  in Los Angeles. For the residents at the facility, the pages are a lifeline.

“They love it. They love to color early in the morning. I have a lot of residents who love math. They like crosswords, puzzles. They’re very active. It’s like school for them,” she says. 

Tatiana can’t say enough praises for an activities resource subscription that she has access to through her Education Fund. The subscription gives activities assistants unlimited access to thousands of ideas and resources for focused activities, music therapy, humour, games, trivia, art and crafts, multicultural programs, and more. 

Tatiana says the subscription may have given her more ideas and more resources for her day-to-day planning, but the real benefactors are the residents.

“It gives my residents more options to choose what they want to do,” she says. “Every morning, they’re always asking, ‘What are we doing today?’ Now, they are more involved in the activities.”

Studies have shown that recreational activities at nursing homes have a positive effect on residents’ quality of life. Having a choice of activities gives residents a sense of independence, and participating in activities that interest them helps reduce feelings of isolation and depression.

Learn more about your Education Fund benefits.

A holistic approach to caregiving

Nearly five million people across California support family, spouses, and friends with the care needed to live safely in their homes. And those caregivers routinely sacrifice their earning potential and their own wellbeing to take on that task, while never truly being recognized for their value, nor are they given the proper tools.

Tatevik Kyosayan’s mother was once a caregiver before she began to need support herself. A musician and music teacher by trade, Tatevik decided to put aside her passion temporarily and take up the role of caregiver for her mother.

Photo of Tatevik Kyosayan

Caregiving is so often a burden that many untrained and undervalued caregivers must shoulder in silence, but for Tatevik becoming a caregiver has been a source of personal fulfillment. She has worked as an In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) provider for 14 years now and currently cares for her mother and an elderly neighbor.

“I stepped in, and I found so much satisfaction in helping elders,[…] because you get to enjoy the work, you get to be very helpful.[…] They need me and they appreciate me,” Tatevik says.

Despite working as a caregiver since 2007, Tatevik was open to continuing to build on her experience and skill set. When she heard about the free IHSS+ training offered by the Center for Caregiver Advancement (CCA), she quickly enrolled. She is proof that even when you have over a decade of experience, it can still be incredibly valuable to keep learning.

“There was still so much that I’ve learned from here,” Tatevik says. “It’s a very, very, very helpful training, especially for caregivers who actively work full time.”

During the IHSS+ training, Tatevik learned about personal care, infection control, CPR, nutrition, and medication adherence. The medication adherence module covered in the training introduced Tatevik to techniques and tools to ensure the people she cares for correctly follow their prescriptions and medical advice, which she believes is crucial.

“The most valuable part of the training was the medical point of view and about the medications—the Five Rights,” she says.

The Five Rights are: the right drug, the right dose, the right time, the right route, and the right person. It is a tool to avoid errors with administering prescription medications that Tatevik relies on as a caregiver to the elderly.

Even with the skills her experience and prior training afforded her, Tatevik says there was a lot she learned through IHSS+, like a holistic understanding of wellbeing.

She says the knowledge she gained about nutrition and the perspective she gained about protecting the dignity and privacy of those in her care were eye-opening.

“I never had training on nutrition and how to really handle the people who have diabetes or high cholesterol […] The class helped me a lot to provide proper nutrition for myself and my family, and for clients.”

Another crucial aspect of the training, Tatevik says, is learning how to better communicate with the larger healthcare team.

“It’s extremely important training because […] let’s say you have a client who has a nurse coming in. And they ask you [a question] or they tell you a word you’re like, what is that? So at the training, they teach you the wording, important wording. They teach you all that. Important aspects of care in detail. And of course, they teach you about the medication.”

Surveys conducted after training echo Tatevik’s experience. CCA found that 95% of caregivers have more confidence in their ability to talk to the care team of the person they care for after completing caregiver training offered. And better communication among the team results in better care for the individual, and fewer unnecessary trips to the emergency room.

More than helping Tatevik build on her skill set, the training made her feel like a part of something bigger. A community of fellow caregivers that she could continue to learn from and lean on. A sense of belonging.

“When you get to take this class with other caregivers they share their examples and discuss things. This was very helpful,” Tatevik says, “because then they give you their perspective, or some knowledge that I didn’t know or even the book didn’t have.”

Post-training surveys show that 68% of caregivers feel less stressed, depressed, or lonely following the training. This feeling of community is one of the ways that the training does more than improve the lives of the individuals receiving care, but also improves the lives of the caregivers themselves.

Despite her initial apprehension for participating in remote training online due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Tatevik has fond memories for those 10 weeks and the passion her instructor inspired in her class. She hopes every caregiver has access to training like the CCA’s one day.

About the future, Tatevik says she wishes “this training was just across the board, like almost every caregiver. […] The quality of care would be higher, much higher than what it is now.”


Government of California. “California Master Plan For Aging: Caregiving That Works” Master Plan For Aging, 2019,

Second set of eyes for care team

The signs were there, but caregiver Levon Wortham was in the dark about what to do.  Then he signed up for a training program that focused on caring for seniors with Alzheimer’s and other types of cognitive decline.

Photo of Levon Wortham

“My Alzheimer’s class really did help me a lot because it allowed me to recognize a lot of the issues that I knew were there, but I didn’t have any definition or reason for them,” Levon says.

Levon is part of the first cohort of In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) caregivers to complete the Center for Caregiver Advancement’s IHSS+ Alzheimer’s training program in Alameda County. 

“So just after taking this class, it really helped me understand how deep the changes (in my care recipient) were. As the dementia started to progress, I started to notice the signs of progression. I realized if I hadn’t taken this class, I would have been in the dark about what was happening to her,” Levon says. Trained caregivers like Levon are pivotal to helping people living with Alzheimer’s remain in their homes. Proper training ensures that the caregiver understands the disease, recognizes areas of concern and is able to report to the care team, and knows strategies on how to provide better care.

In California, there are over 520,000 IHSS providers caring for more than 650,000 elderly or people with disabilities in need of home care services. Often, these caregivers enter the IHSS workforce with little to no training or support.

“I go back to my notes from class a lot. And I continue to reflect on the different experiences and different topics we talked about in class. It’s really, really helpful,” says Levon.

The number of people with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias will double by 2060, according to a study from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. And among people 65 and older, African Americans have the highest prevalence of Alzheimer’s and dementia, followed by Hispanics, Native, and Asian populations. By 2060, researchers estimate there will be 5.4 million Black and Hispanic people living with the disease in the US. This reality calls for a much larger, more culturally competent workforce of caregivers with training on how to care for those with Alzheimer’s or other forms of cognitive decline. It will depend on trained caregivers like Levon.

The biggest impact of the training, Levon says, was that it made him a stronger advocate for his consumer. The voluntary 10-week course teaches skills that are crucial to helping people who are showing symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia. Embedded in the curriculum are strategies for managing repetitive behaviors, assisting with daily activities such as bathing and medication, and helping to manage hallucinations and wandering.

Because he gained a deeper understanding of what she was experiencing, he adjusted how he was taking care of her. The training expanded his knowledge of the disease, which allowed him to recognize the symptoms and respond in a way that helped him connect with the consumer more effectively. And knowing the terminology and how to speak the language of the care team of doctors, nurses or personal support workers, helped him to become a better advocate.

“The most valuable lesson that I learned during my training, I would say, is just how to be an asset to the care team, because my experience or my witnessing (of the changes in my consumer), and my advocacy are very important,” he says.

Levon spends almost every day with his consumer, so he knows he can be a second pair of eyes when it comes to observing and monitoring her symptoms. He saw himself as a historian of sorts: He took detailed notes – reactions to medication, changes in behavior – and reported all of those to the doctors and the care team. 

“I’ve actually had that response from the doctors that I communicate with that what I report is really helpful to them,” he says. “They think I’m just the smartest person on earth, but I’m really not! I’m just really paying attention and understanding how important it is to be able to relay these things to the doctor for my consumer.”

Backing up his instincts with actual data went a long way into making the care team take him seriously, and to recognize and respect his role as an IHSS caregiver as a critical component of the healthcare system.

“The most rewarding part is just knowing that what I’m doing is actually helping someone who, if I wasn’t doing this, would be going without care,” he says. The reward is in knowing that someone “feels that they are cared for.”

The IHSS+ Alzheimer’s training project in Alameda County is funded by the California Department of Health, in partnership with UC San Francisco and Alameda Alliance for Health.


Government of California. “California Master Plan For Aging: Caregiving That Works” Master Plan For Aging, 2019,

“U.S. Burden of Alzheimer’s Disease, Related Dementias to Double by 2060 | CDC Online Newsroom | CDC.” Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 20 Sept. 2018,,Pacific%20Islanders%20(8.4%20percent).

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